June 6, 2015

Summer School Gala Concert

Join us, our friends in Apollo 5 and ensembles of the Summer School for the Summer School Gala Concert on 10 July 2015 in the Windsor Auditorium in the stunning grounds of Royal Holloway.You’ll hear performances from the ensembles that we’ve been working all week including Eric Whitacre’s The Seal Lullaby which we’ll work on in a workshop with the composer Eric Whitacre himself. We’ll perform a selection featuring some Chilcott, Lassus & Petrassi, and some close harmony favourites.For more information about the Summer School, visit kssummerschool.com or buy tickets online.10 July 2015 | 18:00Tickets: £10, £7.50 (students)Unreserved Seating

KS Summer School Gala Concert