February 15, 2016

Sherman, Texas

We're now in Texas, singing this evening in Sherman. Yesterday we flew from Florida to Dallas, and then drove north to Durant, Oklahoma, where we performed at Southeast Oklahoma State University. We've covered a few miles since my last blog. Last week I was commenting on how warm Canada was, but Yellowknife certainly made up for it. As has been said in last week's blog, our stay there was amazing.Here in the US we have been joined as usual by Doug Anderson, our tour sales manager. On his sales table this trip he has two new products that I hadn't seen before. One is the sheet music book of Postcards, published by Hal Leonard, featuring some of the songs from our recent CD of the same name. The other, available from Doug before its general release, is our newest CD "How fair thou art" - Biblical Passions by Palestrina. We recorded this album last year, with my former KS countertenor colleague Nigel Short as producer. Settings of words from the Song of Songs are combined with songs in praise of the Virgin Mary, all composed by the master of Renaissance polyphony, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. It's beautiful music, and we hope you'll enjoy it.