February 24, 2017

Prague, Czech Republic

It's been a restful few days at home with the family and this is a gentle re-immersion into KS life with a short trip to one of Europe's most beautiful cities, Prague. Yesterday afternoon we held a workshop and enjoyed a free evening (well, apart from a dinner meeting and the usual admin burden!) and today we woke up to all the delights that Prague has to offer.Next week sees the final two days of recording for our KS50 Anniversary Album, and as I've written in past blogs this has been perhaps the most involved recording process I've known as a member of the group. The variety of repertoire required has presented a fantastic opportunity to showcase the far reaches of our library and we're confident that the track-listing will perfectly represent all that the KS has been about for the past 50 years. We go to Oxford for the final leg of the process, and I'm looking forward to putting the finishing touches together.We're often asked about our rehearsal process and this set of recordings neatly illustrates our modus operandi: we look much further ahead than the music we're singing on any one day. If we're madly rehearsing for that evening's concert, we've not planned well enough ahead. And so for the past few months we've been concentrating on these recording sessions, fine-tuning the repertoire and ensuring that we're ready to go as soon as the red light goes on. Once we're finished with that, we have the chance to look ahead even further to next term's tours, adding in new close harmony and preparing for the Anniversary Season programmes that will launch in the USA this coming November. The idea is to ensure that everything is as slick as possible way ahead of the event itself.Speaking of looking ahead, we're excited beyond measure about the thought of presenting TWO summer schools this year; if you haven't already considered coming along please have a think about it; they're wonderful weeks full of singing and entertainment!