April 28, 2017

Pécs, Hungary

Hungary was one of the first countries I toured as a member of the KS, and it was a particularly memorable, hot day in the town of Tokaj – famous the world over for its wines, and especially its incredible sweet wines, which are named “the king of wines, and the wine of kings.”On that trip, we were invested as “wine knights” and issued with rather impressive gongs. As well, of course, as having to taste “our” vintage. It was a fun day.Since then I’ve had several enjoyable tours here, not least because the audiences are always so gracious and incredibly quiet during concerts! In particular I remember a performance, quite late at night and in winter, in the huge basilica in Budapest. It was packed full of people (some were even standing beside pillars) and from the moment we started singing until the end of the first half, around us was absolute quite. It was a beautiful experience.Here we are today in Pécs, listening to the first edits of tracks destined for our 50th Anniversary album, and hoping against hope that it’ll be a warm summer! It’s good to be back singing again, and we hope many of you are able to join us over the course of the next three months to celebrate summer music with us.