November 22, 2017

London, UK

Home sweet home -- for a couple of days! Felt rather jet-lagged yesterday, but today is going smoothly so far. Inspired by the SoulCycle spinning class in Santa Monica (Los Angeles) that Pat, Tim, Johnny, Bruiser and I attended a couple of days ago, I decided to get up early this morning and do another fitness class at my local gym, this time "Body Pump". As brutal (but rewarding) as it sounds!With that acute endorphin release, I've happily been able to see to some admin and emails, run some errands in the Oxford Circus area, and soon grab dinner with some friends from the UK-Japan Music Society - aptly we're heading to a Japanese "yakiniku" ("barbecue") place that's just opened in central London. Can't wait!Tomorrow, Johnny and I head to Germany (Hamburg and Munich) for a couple of days of intensive German PR meetings and interviews for our GOLD season; on Saturday I'm singing tenor solos at a performance of Handel's Messiah in Kent, which I'm really looking forward to; Sunday rest further at home and learn/revise some more Christmas music; Monday morning a photoshoot in Mayfair, London; and then on to the Faroe Islands for the next touring patch... Busy busy busy, yet fun fun fun!