October 7, 2014

London, UK

So today is our concert back in my home city of Chelmsford. It will take place this evening at the beautiful New Hall School - an establishment that I used to teach singing at back in 2005. I'm so looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and it's always fun to perform to a home crowd!I'm also looking forward to lunch today - my mother's making us all a big curry to see us through a long day of workshops, a rehearsal and the concert! There's nothing quite like home-cooked food.....It'll be a short night tonight after getting back from the Chelmsford concert as we have an early flight to Toulouse. It's times like those that I really do thank my lucky stars that I can sleep on planes!!Here are a couple of pics for you:The wonderful city of Potsdam.


Julian working hard on memorising the whole Great American Songbook album!


Chris B making friends with the locals in Brno.
