March 4, 2016

Latest KS disc out now!

Our latest early-music recording on Signum Classics, How Fair Thou Art - Biblical Passions by Palestrina is out now to buy. The disc features 12 of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina’s beautiful polyphonic choral settings of the ‘Canticum Canticorum’ – better known as ‘The Song of Songs’ or Canticles, a collection of poetry in the Hebrew Bible on the theme of the joy and ecstasy of human love. These settings are framed by four of Palestrina’s Marian motets, works in honour of the Virgin Mary which he composed throughout his life.The first recording to include Julian - hear and read his experience of being a part of the KS recording legacy.Buy now: KS ShopSignum RecordsAmazoniTunes[embed][/embed]