May 6, 2016

KS Summer Schools 2017

In the last few months we've been overwhelmed by the number of applications to the Summer Schools in 2017, so much so that places are now limited to the UK School at Royal Holloway, University of London in July 2017. There are places remaining at the inaugural US Summer School at DePauw University, Indiana in June 2017, but with an emphasis on the art of Close Harmony and guest clinician Bob Chilcott imparting his wisdom, they will fill up soon. Don't forget - if you're an ensemble of 12 or more singers you qualify for a group discount.Here's Chris B and Johnny to tell you a little about the Summer Schools. We have loved making music with people from all over the world at previous schools and they, like us, have made some friends for life. For more information visit KS Summer School .We can't wait to see you there![embed][/embed]