November 9, 2017

Indianapolis, US

It has been a long day! We woke up at 5.30am, took two morning flights from Albany NY to Indianapolis IN via Chicago and checked in at our airport hotel quickly, before heading straight to a masterclass (via an excellent and much-needed coffee shop, sourced on Google of course!) with the Butler University Chorale, who were a joy to hear sing and to work with. Then our usual two-hour rehearsal, dinner and then the concert itself, which was in their stunning Clowes Hall which a beautiful acoustic and excellent technical crew.I do find these longer and more challenging days fascinating, since somehow we always find the energy and focus to power on through right to the end of the concert, often performing better than on a more forgiving day... amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it.Anyway, off to bed now and looking forward to somewhat of a lie-in in the morning before our concert in Terre Haute in the evening!