February 8, 2016


Last week we were all preparing for our trip to Canada and the US by finding our warmest coats, gloves and scarves. However so far it's not been that cold. Now don't get me wrong, it is chilly, but I've been colder than this in Kenya - admittedly that was a night spent camping halfway up Mount Kenya. In Winnipeg it was warm enough for snow, and I saw one man in shorts and a T-shirt. In Edmonton it's sunny and surprisingly balmy for a Alberta February. Today we head to Calgary, where I once experienced cold that still makes me shiver. We had walked a couple of blocks to a reception, and afterwards some of us decided to head to Chinatown for dinner, another two or three blocks. Neither of these walks were too bad, despite the minus 40 degree weather (it doesn't matter whether you think in Fahrenheit or Celsius, as this is the point at which the two scales coincide), but the five block walk back to the hotel was unbelievable. I had a woolly hat pulled right down over my head - I could just about see enough to avoid bumping into anything - and despite multiple layers and thermal gloves and scarf, my whole body was hurting when I got back to the hotel. And yet all the locals seem to cope, with most of them saying "I've never been as cold as I was when I visited London". Well, I've never Pulled a woolly hat down over my head in London. However I mustn't be too complacent because tomorrow we head north to the main city of Northwest Territories, Yellowknife. From there we head to Florida, where we hit the world of air-conditioning. There you have to put extra clothing on to enter buildings.