Today's been a rather interesting day. For me, it began with a run across the peace bridge in Derry and then around the park (minus one colleague who happened to sleep-in...). It continued with Johnny (who turned up on this occasion...good luck figuring out this one out, Sherlock) and I leading a warm-up for 400 primary school children who were competing later in the day as part of the 3rd City of Derry International Choral Festival. For someone who spent seven years teaching teenagers, what I like about teaching children – although this trait isn't entirely associated with them – is how honest they are. If they are enjoying something they show it. If not, they have no hesitation in showing their dissatisfaction or boredom! Fortunately they all seemed to enjoy our session, finished off with all six of us answering their eager questions (not sure I've seen so many hand waving in the air hoping to be picked!) before performing I'm a train.We were then Belfast-bound for a flight to Heathrow and then on to Helsinki. Given we've only just been in Scandanavia, it almost feels rather normal to be flying to a Nordic country so soon after leaving that part of the world.We've been having all sorts of conversations recently about our 50th Anniversary celebrations in 2018. It's going to be such an exciting year and although it's more than two years away, the time will quickly pass. If you have anything that you feel is important for us to consider in our planning, please feel free to get in touch via email. We can't guarantee anything other than what a magnificent year it promises to be but we'd love to hear from you nonetheless. You never know, your idea might just be one we haven't thought of!So, I'm thinking of arranging some songs/carols. Again, if you have a good idea of something you'd like to hear us sing – doesn't necessarily need to be in today's Top 40, although we're not suggesting it shouldn't be, either – then flick us an email or send us a message on Facebook or Twitter.Right, bedtime now. Looking forward to performing in Finlandia Hall tomorrow. The Finns are always such an appreciative audience. I've got a friend and her husband coming along so that will be nice catching up with the newlyweds.One last thought. This time next week, the All Blacks will either be in the final of the Rugby World Cup or I'll be feeling sorry for myself as they prepare for the third-place play-off. It's being held in England, for those of you who have no interest. If you put yourself in that category, with apologies to the French, might I direct you to this: one of the finest displays of rugby ever seen.Bye for now!
Today's been a rather interesting day. For me, it began with a run across the peace bridge in Derry and then around the park (minus one colleague who happened to sleep-in...). It continued with Johnny (who turned up on this occasion...good luck figuring out this one out, Sherlock) and I leading a warm-up for 400 primary school children who were competing later in the day as part of the 3rd City of Derry International Choral Festival. For someone who spent seven years teaching teenagers, what I like about teaching children – although this trait isn't entirely associated with them – is how honest they are. If they are enjoying something they show it. If not, they have no hesitation in showing their dissatisfaction or boredom! Fortunately they all seemed to enjoy our session, finished off with all six of us answering their eager questions (not sure I've seen so many hand waving in the air hoping to be picked!) before performing I'm a train.We were then Belfast-bound for a flight to Heathrow and then on to Helsinki. Given we've only just been in Scandanavia, it almost feels rather normal to be flying to a Nordic country so soon after leaving that part of the world.We've been having all sorts of conversations recently about our 50th Anniversary celebrations in 2018. It's going to be such an exciting year and although it's more than two years away, the time will quickly pass. If you have anything that you feel is important for us to consider in our planning, please feel free to get in touch via email. We can't guarantee anything other than what a magnificent year it promises to be but we'd love to hear from you nonetheless. You never know, your idea might just be one we haven't thought of!So, I'm thinking of arranging some songs/carols. Again, if you have a good idea of something you'd like to hear us sing – doesn't necessarily need to be in today's Top 40, although we're not suggesting it shouldn't be, either – then flick us an email or send us a message on Facebook or Twitter.Right, bedtime now. Looking forward to performing in Finlandia Hall tomorrow. The Finns are always such an appreciative audience. I've got a friend and her husband coming along so that will be nice catching up with the newlyweds.One last thought. This time next week, the All Blacks will either be in the final of the Rugby World Cup or I'll be feeling sorry for myself as they prepare for the third-place play-off. It's being held in England, for those of you who have no interest. If you put yourself in that category, with apologies to the French, might I direct you to this: one of the finest displays of rugby ever seen.Bye for now!
Today's been a rather interesting day. For me, it began with a run across the peace bridge in Derry and then around the park (minus one colleague who happened to sleep-in...). It continued with Johnny (who turned up on this occasion...good luck figuring out this one out, Sherlock) and I leading a warm-up for 400 primary school children who were competing later in the day as part of the 3rd City of Derry International Choral Festival. For someone who spent seven years teaching teenagers, what I like about teaching children – although this trait isn't entirely associated with them – is how honest they are. If they are enjoying something they show it. If not, they have no hesitation in showing their dissatisfaction or boredom! Fortunately they all seemed to enjoy our session, finished off with all six of us answering their eager questions (not sure I've seen so many hand waving in the air hoping to be picked!) before performing I'm a train.We were then Belfast-bound for a flight to Heathrow and then on to Helsinki. Given we've only just been in Scandanavia, it almost feels rather normal to be flying to a Nordic country so soon after leaving that part of the world.We've been having all sorts of conversations recently about our 50th Anniversary celebrations in 2018. It's going to be such an exciting year and although it's more than two years away, the time will quickly pass. If you have anything that you feel is important for us to consider in our planning, please feel free to get in touch via email. We can't guarantee anything other than what a magnificent year it promises to be but we'd love to hear from you nonetheless. You never know, your idea might just be one we haven't thought of!So, I'm thinking of arranging some songs/carols. Again, if you have a good idea of something you'd like to hear us sing – doesn't necessarily need to be in today's Top 40, although we're not suggesting it shouldn't be, either – then flick us an email or send us a message on Facebook or Twitter.Right, bedtime now. Looking forward to performing in Finlandia Hall tomorrow. The Finns are always such an appreciative audience. I've got a friend and her husband coming along so that will be nice catching up with the newlyweds.One last thought. This time next week, the All Blacks will either be in the final of the Rugby World Cup or I'll be feeling sorry for myself as they prepare for the third-place play-off. It's being held in England, for those of you who have no interest. If you put yourself in that category, with apologies to the French, might I direct you to this: one of the finest displays of rugby ever seen.Bye for now!
Today's been a rather interesting day. For me, it began with a run across the peace bridge in Derry and then around the park (minus one colleague who happened to sleep-in...). It continued with Johnny (who turned up on this occasion...good luck figuring out this one out, Sherlock) and I leading a warm-up for 400 primary school children who were competing later in the day as part of the 3rd City of Derry International Choral Festival. For someone who spent seven years teaching teenagers, what I like about teaching children – although this trait isn't entirely associated with them – is how honest they are. If they are enjoying something they show it. If not, they have no hesitation in showing their dissatisfaction or boredom! Fortunately they all seemed to enjoy our session, finished off with all six of us answering their eager questions (not sure I've seen so many hand waving in the air hoping to be picked!) before performing I'm a train.We were then Belfast-bound for a flight to Heathrow and then on to Helsinki. Given we've only just been in Scandanavia, it almost feels rather normal to be flying to a Nordic country so soon after leaving that part of the world.We've been having all sorts of conversations recently about our 50th Anniversary celebrations in 2018. It's going to be such an exciting year and although it's more than two years away, the time will quickly pass. If you have anything that you feel is important for us to consider in our planning, please feel free to get in touch via email. We can't guarantee anything other than what a magnificent year it promises to be but we'd love to hear from you nonetheless. You never know, your idea might just be one we haven't thought of!So, I'm thinking of arranging some songs/carols. Again, if you have a good idea of something you'd like to hear us sing – doesn't necessarily need to be in today's Top 40, although we're not suggesting it shouldn't be, either – then flick us an email or send us a message on Facebook or Twitter.Right, bedtime now. Looking forward to performing in Finlandia Hall tomorrow. The Finns are always such an appreciative audience. I've got a friend and her husband coming along so that will be nice catching up with the newlyweds.One last thought. This time next week, the All Blacks will either be in the final of the Rugby World Cup or I'll be feeling sorry for myself as they prepare for the third-place play-off. It's being held in England, for those of you who have no interest. If you put yourself in that category, with apologies to the French, might I direct you to this: one of the finest displays of rugby ever seen.Bye for now!
Today's been a rather interesting day. For me, it began with a run across the peace bridge in Derry and then around the park (minus one colleague who happened to sleep-in...). It continued with Johnny (who turned up on this occasion...good luck figuring out this one out, Sherlock) and I leading a warm-up for 400 primary school children who were competing later in the day as part of the 3rd City of Derry International Choral Festival. For someone who spent seven years teaching teenagers, what I like about teaching children – although this trait isn't entirely associated with them – is how honest they are. If they are enjoying something they show it. If not, they have no hesitation in showing their dissatisfaction or boredom! Fortunately they all seemed to enjoy our session, finished off with all six of us answering their eager questions (not sure I've seen so many hand waving in the air hoping to be picked!) before performing I'm a train.We were then Belfast-bound for a flight to Heathrow and then on to Helsinki. Given we've only just been in Scandanavia, it almost feels rather normal to be flying to a Nordic country so soon after leaving that part of the world.We've been having all sorts of conversations recently about our 50th Anniversary celebrations in 2018. It's going to be such an exciting year and although it's more than two years away, the time will quickly pass. If you have anything that you feel is important for us to consider in our planning, please feel free to get in touch via email. We can't guarantee anything other than what a magnificent year it promises to be but we'd love to hear from you nonetheless. You never know, your idea might just be one we haven't thought of!So, I'm thinking of arranging some songs/carols. Again, if you have a good idea of something you'd like to hear us sing – doesn't necessarily need to be in today's Top 40, although we're not suggesting it shouldn't be, either – then flick us an email or send us a message on Facebook or Twitter.Right, bedtime now. Looking forward to performing in Finlandia Hall tomorrow. The Finns are always such an appreciative audience. I've got a friend and her husband coming along so that will be nice catching up with the newlyweds.One last thought. This time next week, the All Blacks will either be in the final of the Rugby World Cup or I'll be feeling sorry for myself as they prepare for the third-place play-off. It's being held in England, for those of you who have no interest. If you put yourself in that category, with apologies to the French, might I direct you to this: one of the finest displays of rugby ever seen.Bye for now!
Today's been a rather interesting day. For me, it began with a run across the peace bridge in Derry and then around the park (minus one colleague who happened to sleep-in...). It continued with Johnny (who turned up on this occasion...good luck figuring out this one out, Sherlock) and I leading a warm-up for 400 primary school children who were competing later in the day as part of the 3rd City of Derry International Choral Festival. For someone who spent seven years teaching teenagers, what I like about teaching children – although this trait isn't entirely associated with them – is how honest they are. If they are enjoying something they show it. If not, they have no hesitation in showing their dissatisfaction or boredom! Fortunately they all seemed to enjoy our session, finished off with all six of us answering their eager questions (not sure I've seen so many hand waving in the air hoping to be picked!) before performing I'm a train.We were then Belfast-bound for a flight to Heathrow and then on to Helsinki. Given we've only just been in Scandanavia, it almost feels rather normal to be flying to a Nordic country so soon after leaving that part of the world.We've been having all sorts of conversations recently about our 50th Anniversary celebrations in 2018. It's going to be such an exciting year and although it's more than two years away, the time will quickly pass. If you have anything that you feel is important for us to consider in our planning, please feel free to get in touch via email. We can't guarantee anything other than what a magnificent year it promises to be but we'd love to hear from you nonetheless. You never know, your idea might just be one we haven't thought of!So, I'm thinking of arranging some songs/carols. Again, if you have a good idea of something you'd like to hear us sing – doesn't necessarily need to be in today's Top 40, although we're not suggesting it shouldn't be, either – then flick us an email or send us a message on Facebook or Twitter.Right, bedtime now. Looking forward to performing in Finlandia Hall tomorrow. The Finns are always such an appreciative audience. I've got a friend and her husband coming along so that will be nice catching up with the newlyweds.One last thought. This time next week, the All Blacks will either be in the final of the Rugby World Cup or I'll be feeling sorry for myself as they prepare for the third-place play-off. It's being held in England, for those of you who have no interest. If you put yourself in that category, with apologies to the French, might I direct you to this: one of the finest displays of rugby ever seen.Bye for now!
Today's been a rather interesting day. For me, it began with a run across the peace bridge in Derry and then around the park (minus one colleague who happened to sleep-in...). It continued with Johnny (who turned up on this occasion...good luck figuring out this one out, Sherlock) and I leading a warm-up for 400 primary school children who were competing later in the day as part of the 3rd City of Derry International Choral Festival. For someone who spent seven years teaching teenagers, what I like about teaching children – although this trait isn't entirely associated with them – is how honest they are. If they are enjoying something they show it. If not, they have no hesitation in showing their dissatisfaction or boredom! Fortunately they all seemed to enjoy our session, finished off with all six of us answering their eager questions (not sure I've seen so many hand waving in the air hoping to be picked!) before performing I'm a train.We were then Belfast-bound for a flight to Heathrow and then on to Helsinki. Given we've only just been in Scandanavia, it almost feels rather normal to be flying to a Nordic country so soon after leaving that part of the world.We've been having all sorts of conversations recently about our 50th Anniversary celebrations in 2018. It's going to be such an exciting year and although it's more than two years away, the time will quickly pass. If you have anything that you feel is important for us to consider in our planning, please feel free to get in touch via email. We can't guarantee anything other than what a magnificent year it promises to be but we'd love to hear from you nonetheless. You never know, your idea might just be one we haven't thought of!So, I'm thinking of arranging some songs/carols. Again, if you have a good idea of something you'd like to hear us sing – doesn't necessarily need to be in today's Top 40, although we're not suggesting it shouldn't be, either – then flick us an email or send us a message on Facebook or Twitter.Right, bedtime now. Looking forward to performing in Finlandia Hall tomorrow. The Finns are always such an appreciative audience. I've got a friend and her husband coming along so that will be nice catching up with the newlyweds.One last thought. This time next week, the All Blacks will either be in the final of the Rugby World Cup or I'll be feeling sorry for myself as they prepare for the third-place play-off. It's being held in England, for those of you who have no interest. If you put yourself in that category, with apologies to the French, might I direct you to this: one of the finest displays of rugby ever seen.Bye for now!