May 20, 2016

Beijing - Shanghai

Today we travelled on perhaps the fastest train I've ever experienced; around 1,000 miles in under 6 hours, smoothly as you like. We were fortunate to be in a carriage with few seats, allowing us to have a meeting, work and relax as we journeyed through the Chinese countryside from Beijing to Shanghai.Last night's concert went well and, as usual, we were met by an enthusiastic crowd. Some things I've noticed since we first came to China around eight years ago: the people are much better at attending concerts now! They used to talk, answer phones, cough and generally fidgit, whereas now they sit quietly and respectfully, with a real desire to hear the music and the air of people with trained and keen ears. The whole experience has changed enormously, and these audiences are now amongst my favourite worldwide.There are a few other acappella groups who have been here recently, or are here now. The Swingle Singers visited last week, and our Finnish friends Club for Five are here at the moment - a few of us met up with their bass, Tuukka, last night after our concert. There's a big global acappella family, and wherever we go we meet singers who love to make music at school, at home, or in their spare time. More and more of our own KS music is making its way to China now, and we see students clutching our Songbooks after most concerts. It's a reminder of the power of music; even when we can't understand a word some people are saying, we can communicate through our shared enthusiasm for notes on a page. That's quite amazing, really!