If you live in either the UK or the USA, you can deduct the total of your gifts to the Foundation from any tax you owe. Therefore, we’ve split the donation options below so that both you and the Foundation can get the most out of your generosity.

Please leave your details so we can be in touch to thank you.

If you’d like further information please email foundation@kingssingers.com.

For supporters based in the USA (or anywhere else in the world):


You can send a cheque, made out to The King’s Singers Global Foundation, to the Foundation c/o The Treasurer, PO BOX 597, Alliston ON L9R 1V7 CANADA

If you’d like to make a donation by bank transfer, please email foundation@kingssingers.com.

For supporters based in the UK:


You can send a cheque, made out to The King’s Singers Foundation, to 4 Albert Road, Richmond, Surrey TW10 6DP.

You can make a bank transfer to Coop: Sort Code 08-92-99; Account Number 65995011.